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Púca (sometimes called a goblin) pwca, pooka, phouka, puck are fantastical creatures  that can be bringers both of good and bad fortune, they can be a help or hinderance to local human communities and are especially well known to people living in coastal towns and villages with a Celtic connection.



Púcaí are said to be shapeshifters that could take the appearance of horses, goats, cats, dogs, and hares. Their fur can be almost any colour that you might imagine, but usually they are dark in shade.  They may also take a human form that includes various animal features, such as rabbit ears or a tail.



Most famously in Ireland, in the time of the high king Brian Boru, a púca took the form of a  sleek black stallion with a flowing mane and luminescent golden eyes. The high king used a special bridle incorporating three hairs of the púca's tail to enable him to become the one and only human ever to ride a púca. 

PÚCA - A Part of Celtic Lives 

At the beginning of November, púca have been known to spit on wild fruits, such as blackberries, making them inedible (some say the fruit is already bad, and the spittle is a warning). On the other hand, they have been benevolent and protective toward humans; intervening before a terrible accident or before a person is about to encounter a malevolent fairy or spirit. These sometimes-mischievous fellows, as mentioned earlier, are not just limited to the land of Ireland. They crop up in most countries in Northwest Europe. They are even found along the French Atlantic coast and on the Channel Islands. Here the pouque are known to live near dolmen (ancient stones) and other megalithic structures, places often referred to as a pouquelée or pouquelay(e). 

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